Fam D, Clarke EA, Freeth R, Derwort P, Klaniecki K, Kater-Wettstädt L, Juarez-Bourke S, Hilser S, Peukert D, Meyer E. & Horcea-Milcu A. (2019) Interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research and practice: Balancing expectations of the ‘old’ academy with the future model of universities as ‘problem solvers’, Higher Education Quarterly.
Clarke EA, Jackson TM, Keoka K, and Phimphachanvongsod V, Sengxua P, Simali P, and Wade, LJ. (2018) Insights into adoption of farming practices through multiple lenses: an innovation systems approach. Development in practice. DOI: 10.1080/09614524.2018.1504890
Clarke EA, Ashhurst C. (2018) Making collective learning coherent: An adaptive approach to the practice of transdisciplinary pedagogy. In D. Fam, L. Neuhauser, P. Gibbs, eds. Transdisciplinary research, practice & education: The art of collaborative research and collective learning, Routledge.
Sengxua P, Jackson T, Simali P, Vial L, Douangboupha K, Clarke EA, Harnpichitvitaya D, Wade L. (2018) Integrated nutrient-weed management under mechanised dry direct seeding (DDS) is essential for sustained smallholder adoption in rainfed lowland rice (Oryza sativa L.) Experimental Agriculture.
Freeth R, Clarke EA, Fam D. (2019) Engaging creatively with tension in collaborative research: Harnessing the “I” and “we” through dialogue. In V.A. Brown, J.D. Harris & D. Waltner-Toews, eds. Independent Thinking in an Uncertain World. Routledge.
Bagnol B, Clarke EA, Li M, Maulage W, Lumbwe H, McConchie R, de Bruyn J, Alders R. (2016) Transdisciplinary project communication and dissemination experiences in Tanzania and Zambia through a One Health lens. Frontiers in Public Health, 4:2-7.
Clarke EA. (2016) The synergies of difference: Strengthening transdisciplinary research practice through a relational methodology. Canberra, Australia: The Australian National University.
Clarke EA, Jackson T, Keoka K, Phimphachanvongsod V (2016) Study of farmer experiences and approaches with dry direct seeding in Savannakhet Research report, ACIAR.
Clarke EA, Grunbuhel C, Souvannachek C, Keoka K, Phakdisoth L, (2015) Research capacity and science to policy processes among Government research agencies in Lao PDR, Final report, Laos Australia Development Learning Facility (DFAT).
Clarke EA, Dennison WC, Bunn SE, Abal EG, Collier C, Ball B, Lloyd T, Greenfield PF (2001) Discover the waterways of south-east Queensland: waterways health and catchment management of south-east Queensland, Australia. South East Queensland Regional Water Quality Management Strategy, Brisbane, 155 pp
(article on the preparation and authorship of this book at )
Clarke EA, Manlosa A, Kuenkel P, Maranger R. (in draft) From pulling levers to dancing with the system: Rethinking transformation for sustainability through metaphor. (Target journal: Ecology and Society, 80% complete)
Clarke EA, Pearson, L, Curnow J. (in draft) A transformative approach to academic capacity building in agricultural research for development in the Mekong region. (Target Journal: Agriculture and Human Values, 90% complete)
Clarke EA, Freeth R, Leventon J. (in draft) Transformational learning in collaborative research: transgressing paradigms and boundaries. (Target journal: Sustainability Science, 40% complete).
Weir J, Neale T, Clarke EA. (under review) Natural hazard risk management and science: a qualitative synthesis of a sector in transition. (Target journal: Environmental Science and Policy)
Clarke EA, Neale T, Weir J, Aboud M, Cinque P. (in draft) Making sense of Hawkesbury-Nepean flood risk: bringing science and society together. (Target journal: Environmental Science and Policy, 90% complete).
Clarke EA. (2017) An heuristic approach to transformative coproduction of knowledge for change. II Conference of the Programme on Ecosystem Change and Society (PECSII), Oaxaca, Mexico, 7-10 November 2017.
Clarke EA, Engbers M. (2017) Symposium: Tackling complexity by increasing complexity. Re-thinking knowledge processes through place-based transdisciplinary research. II Conference of the Programme on Ecosystem Change and Society (PECSII) 7-10 November, Oaxaca, Mexico.
Clarke EA, Weir J, Neale T. Ashhurst CA, Aboud M, Cinque P, (2017) Making sense of Hawkesbury-Nepean flood risk: bringing science and society together. AFAC17 Conference, 4-7 September, Sydney, Australia.
Clarke EA, (2017) The practice of transdisciplinary research: principles and patterns for transformational learning and knowledge co-production, ITD Conference: Transdisciplinary Research and Education – Intercultural Endeavours 2017, 11-15 September, Lüneburg, Germany.
Leventon J, Clarke EA, Freeth R. (2017) Cooperation: Embedding transdisciplinary research within the Leverage Points project. ITD Conference: Transdisciplinary Research and Education – Intercultural Endeavours 2017, 11-15 September, Lüneburg, Germany.
Weir J, Neale T, Clarke EA, (2017) Science is critical but it is not everything: our findings. AFAC17 Conference, 4-7 September, Sydney, Australia.
Weir J, Neale T, Clarke EA, (2017) What to do with uncertain science: Victoria, New South Wales and the Northern Territory, Research Advisory Forum, Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC, 5-6 April, Perth, Australia.
Jackson T, Clarke EA, Sengxua, P, Phimphachanvongsod V, Bouahom B, Keoka K, Wade L. (2016) Innovation systems and adoption experiences: the story of mechanised dry direct seeding in southern Laos, 4th International Agronomy Conference 2016, 22-26 November, New Dehli, India.
Clarke EA, Grunbuhel C, Souvannachak C, Keoka K. (2015), Science-policy as a complex adaptive system: the governance of knowledge production in Lao PDR, International Earth Systems Governance Conference, 14-16 December, 2015, Canberra, Australia
Clarke EA, Roth CH, Meinke H. (2013, Food security, rice systems and complex interdisciplinary research – matching the solutions to the problems, First International Conference on Global Food Security, 29 Sept-2 October 2013, Norwijkerhout, The Netherlands.
Bagnol B, Alders RG, Mu Li, Farrell P, Clarke EA and Young M. (2013) Research for new policy options: the case of adding gender perspective to a One Health framework to tackle food insecurity. Conference on Women in Science – Promoting excellence and innovation for future development, March 21-23, 2013, Kiel, Germany
Clarke EA (1997) Funding assistance available to local government, in Proceedings of Weed and Pest Management: Getting the job done. Local Government Association of Queensland Inc., Brisbane.
Clarke EA, Fam D. (2018) Planning for integration of outcomes in complex inter- and transdisciplinary projects. Workshops held at Leuphana University Lueneburg, 3-12 April, 2018.
Clarke EA (2017) An heuristic approach to transformative coproduction of knowledge for change, invited paper for the 4th International Workshop of the Transformational Adaptation Research Alliance (in conjunction with the PECSII conference), 6-7 November, Oaxaca, Mexico.
Clarke EA, Ashhurst C, Weir, J. (2017) Sensemaking for Scientific diversity, scientific uncertainty and risk mitigation policy and planning (RMPP project) with the Hawkesbury-Nepean Flood Management Taskforce, 28 November, Sydney, Australia.
Clarke EA, Lam D, Horceau-Milcu A. (2017) Sichtbar machen: transformational change for sustainability stakeholder workshop, 7 June, Sighișoara, Romania.
Clarke EA, Lam D, Engbers M. (2017) Sichtbar machen: transformational change for sustainability stakeholder workshop, 14 June, Kirchhatten, Germany.
Clarke EA, Weir J, Neale T. (2017) Making science social: Making sense of risk and uncertainty in hazard management: Final stakeholder workshop RMPP project. 7 September, Sydney, Australia.
Clarke EA, (ed) (1996-2001) The Regenerator, Brisbane City Council, Brisbane (writer and editor)
Clarke EA, (ed) (1996) Environment Industry Review Journal, Issue Number 1 & 2, Environment Management Industry Association of Australia, Brisbane.
Clarke EA (2002) Taking stock, First edition March 2002, CSIRO Livestock Industries (writer and editor)
Clarke EA (1997) The Edge: for people pioneering new paradigms, 2nd Edition, June 1997, Queensland Department of Primary Industries, Brisbane.
Clarke EA (ed) (1998-1999) Corporation News, Queensland Sugar Corporation, Brisbane. (six editions)
Clarke EA (ed) (1992-1994) Landcare News, Queensland Department of Primary Industries, Brisbane. (eight editions)
Writer and editor of The Regenerator from 1996-2001, the newsletter of the Brisbane City Council Bushland Care ProgramClarke EA (1998) A guide to communication planning. Education and Information Unit, Queensland Department of Environment and Heritage, Brisbane.
Clarke EA, Edwards S, Rinehart C, Truor B, McKenna J (1996) Weedbuster Activity Kit. Queensland Department of Natural Resources, Brisbane.
Kelly K, Clarke EA, Hobson M, Carey B, Stephens B, Hepworth L, Lennon P, Fraser S (1992) Catchment Care Education Kit. Queensland Department of Primary Industries, Brisbane, 80 pp.